Finally, I imported those two animations into Premiere Pro to edit. I found that the timing of spider-man took off wasn’t quite right, so I adjusted that part and sped it up in Premiere Pro. Also, I added a piece of background music.
FMP 6: spider-man blocking continues
This week, I continued blocking out the rest of the moves. It was the last movement but also the most tricky part.
The most tricky part was about the legs. Although his leg movement was very small, it contained several key poses, such as squat down, tiptoe at the moment of take-off, the highest point, touch the ground with toes first at the moment of landing, step on flat. Furthermore, if you look into the moves of Bruce Lee, you will find out that every time he takes off, the gravity changes, and his legs do not take off simultaneously, but each time he takes off, the leg that leaves the ground first changes.
(I have several screenshots to demonstrate the situation mentioned above.Unfortunately, the space of blog was running out, so that I was unable to upload those pictures.)
FMP 5: spider-man blocking
This week, I started blocking based on several of Bruce Lee’s iconic moves. There were several points needed to be pay attention to. First one was about timing. As the body moved, it couldn’t go too fast or too slow, or it would become unsatisfied and uncomfortable. Secondly, when he was doing one-handed push-ups and then standing up, his fingers and palms couldn’t go through the ground. In fact, it is the body drives the arms, and then the arms drive the wrists to move. Thirdly, it was about the fluency of moves. For example, when he intended to do push-ups, he pushed one leg back and bent the other leg at the same time, supported the ground with his fingers and the push-back leg, and shifted the gravity of his body to the side of the support to ensure the balance of the body.
To understand the steps of moves, in my opinion, the best way is to act ourselves. I remember Luke said ‘every animator is a good actor’.
(I have couples of screenshots to demonstrate the situation mentioned above. Unfortunately, the space of blog was running out, so that I was unable to upload those pictures.)
FMP 4: look for reference for second animation
As Bruce Lee was my favourite martial artist when I was a child, and he had many iconic moves, such as one-handed push-ups, stretching before performing, etc. Here, I found some videos of Bruce Lee of his young age.
All these videos are good reference for my second FMP animation.
FMP 3: Aang polish
This week I found a video on YouTube, studied and understood how feet works. Below is the tutorial.
After polish and refinement, I created a camera and found a rendering tutorial on YouTube.
Using Arnold:

FMP 2: Aang motion design and blocking
This week I mainly did the motion design and blocking of character Aang, which was shared by Luke. The motion was he took a step forward simultaneously pointed his sword toward what he was looking at, and then he played his sword in the air and ended with a cool posture.
FMP 1: conception
At the beginning, I intended to follow the industry procedure and create everything by my own, involving modelling, rigging, animating. The purpose of this idea was that I wanted to improve all of my skills. However, owing to too much time was spent on thesis, I had to change my plan. As the majority of content of my study at LCC was animaiton, I decided to focus on animating as my final major project. I have been thinking of creating a kung fu all the time, so this time, my plan was to do a kung fu performance animation.
Houdini week 4: lighting and rendering
This week we talked about some courses about materials, lighting and rendering.

- RGB is the acronym of red, green and blue.
- “RGB color space” generally refers to “all colors” used in hardware and software
- SRGB is a specific type of RGB.
- SRGB is very popular, but its color gamut is very limited.
- Adobe RGB is a color space containing sRGB and CMYK.
- Pro Photo RGB is a more extensive color space mode, which is generally used for color management.
Here are some rendering outcomes.