Character and story development in 3 TV series


There are five forces in the whole story, and the forces check and balance each other.

  • The Jihadist terrorist organisation headed by the Muslim woman Nadia wants to cause a terrorist attack to hit the British government
  • The criminal organisation headed by Luke Aikens, members including the original assistance next to Julia named Channel Dyson. And Luke recruits Andy Apsted, who used to be the comrade-in-arms of the male protagonist David Budd
  • The staff of Home Office headed by Mike Travis is on the side of the Prime Minister. Because Julia wants to take the place of the PM, Mike has always found stumbling block for Julia. Also, Roger Penhaligon, who is Julia’s former spouse, is on this side too. They have a underling named Rob Macdonald
  • The Security Service headed by Stephen Hunter-Dunn, cooperates with Julia in order to attain more power and gives Julia compromising material of PM. However, after the death of Julia, Stephen tries every means to retrieve the material to prevent him from being prove the hand of the Security Service in a failed coup. He has a underling named Longcross
  • The Metropolitan Police headed by Anne Sampson, people from where are relatively upright, and they have been keeping looking for evidence and searching for the truth, but incompetent. There is one traitor inside the police station, who is the male protagonist’s immediate boss Lorraine Craddock. She has disclosed sensitive information on police operations to Luke for many years as well as plans to frame David

Logical line of storytelling

Julia takes the PM’s tainted material from the Security Service and wants to initiate a coup. The bargaining chip of the deal is to transfer part of the police’s power of counter-terrorism to the Security Service, which causes panic among criminal organisations. Because the Security Service is harder to contact, more shadowy, therefore, harder to bribe and blackmail. Thus, the criminal organisation decides to kill Julia to prevent the power from being transferring. Luke’s criminal organisation happens to run into Nadia’s terrorist organisation, two conspire to make the university explosive case. Nadia provides explosive, Luke is responsible for burying it.

  • Train attack – initiator: a terrorist organisation headed by a Muslim woman Nadia
  • Primary school terrorist attack – initiator: a terrorist organisation headed by a Muslim woman Nadia
  • Thornton Circus assassination – initiator: a criminal organisation headed by Luke
  • University bombing – four forces involved

In the fourth attack, the pressure device is accidentally avoided by Julia. However, because Mike Travis from Home Office and Roger are on the side of Prime Minister. After Julia threatened PM with kompromat, they planned to insert inaccurate material in Julia’s speech with the idea being that she would immediately become embroiled in a humiliating climb-down. They ask Rob to give the briefcase to Julia, but Rob asks a rookie named Mahmood to finish the job so that Rob can make sure the plot will not be retraced to him. When Mahmood comes to the stage, the pressure device under the stage is triggered and the bomb explodes. Mahmood’s briefcase is a big smoke grenade in the series, which makes the audiences think that the bomb is related to Home Office and Prime Minister. Because they are threatened, they want to get rid of Julia.

After the death of Julia, the fourth force also comes in. In order to get back the compromising material, the Security Service does a series of things, which are smoke bombs released by the screenwriter, making the audiences that the explosion is related to the Security Service. In fact, they just intend to get the material back.

Smoke grenade

  • The Muslim rookie Mahmood who takes the briefcase to the stage leads the audiences and police’s suspicions to the Home Office and the Prime Minister behind it.
  • Julia’s former husband Roger Penhaligon who goes to the hospital to look for her personal belongings leads the suspicions of audiences and David Budd to PM.
  • The mysterious guy Longcross, who actually gives the kompromat to Julia, leads suspicions to the Security Service.
  • Nadia lies and accuses her husband that the person he sees is Longcross, leading suspicions to the Security Service.
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