Character and story development in 3 TV series

The Capture

We begin with a court of appeal being watching head cam footage from Afghanistan that shows solider Shaun Emery shooting a Taliban prisoner without provocation or warning. After that, Shaun yells to his comrades ‘getting fucking back’. But Shaun denies this, he says the sentence is what he says to the Taliban prisoner. At a critical moment, Shaun’s barrister Hannah Roberts invites a key witness whose name is Levy in the subversion case. Levy claims that the head cam has the problem of drift of audio and video. If recording one hour of video, there will be a drift of five or six seconds. Restore the video with this drift, the video finds that Shaun’s explanation is correct, which leads Shaun is released in court. The beginning describes the whole story is coming about the camera footage naturally.

That night, there is a party at Shaun’s town celebrating his innocence. Hannah leaves the bar halfway through the celebration, Shaun catches her up near the bus stop. They kiss and then Hannah leaves Shaun getting on the bus. However, the surveillance camera depicts Shaun hitting Hannah and he drags Hannah out of monitoring range. Later that night, Shaun is arrested again and this time he denies too. Shaun’s strong denial and the Security Service withdraws the footage make Rachel who is the heroine begin to suspect the authenticity of the CCTV footage. After monitoring Shaun, Rachel finds that the Security Service controlling the whole picture in the dark.

Logical line of storytelling

  • The Security Service turns intelligence such as phone intercepts and wiretaps which is inadmissible in court into evidence so as to keep extremists off the street. This plan called Correction, which causes thousands of suspects are framed before they really commit a crime. The correction is to tamper the video by AI face replacing technology to achieve the purpose of the Security Service. The Correction’s intention and goal is good, but the process is illegal and inhuman.
  • Shaun’s lawyers Hannah and Charlie lead their team using the same technology in order to reveal the Security Service’s illegal behaviours. They tamper the bus stop’s CCTV footage, and after Shaun under arrest, they plan to release the real video and Hannah turns up, in this way, the Correction can be revealed and damaged.
  • At the beginning of the revealing plan, Rachel sends the fake capture to her original department using her favours to investigate the suspect who is Shaun. Meanwhile, Rachel’s behaviour exposes the revealing plan by accident. After the Security Service notices the plan, they decide to make it true, killing Hannah.
  • The reason why the revealing plan chooses Shaun as the protagonist is that he has large publicity due to the case in Afghanistan, making their plan more attention and more successful possibility.
  • At the end of the series, Shaun turns himself in to the police not because he has killed Hannah, but with the essential purposes of atoning, he knows the person he shot wasn’t reaching for his weapon, but he still killed him anyway. And he is also forced to keep the Correction plan as a secret.

The most fabulous part of this series is using angle of view of Shaun and Rachel, through both of their investigation driving the story development. Furthermore, the editing is also excellent, Shaun’s investigation and Rachel’s are two independent line, but their two storylines merge together at one story spot without violation of harmony.

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