Monthly Archives: January 2021
Presentation – The development and main style of 3D animation
My Topic is “The development and main style of 3D animation” .(PPT1) What you see here is Claymation, Claymation is one of the origins of 3D animation, which every 3D animation enthusiast should understand and master. Among them, outstanding works … Continue reading
Performance animation
Our assignment at the end of term 1 is to create a performance animation which should last about 10 seconds. At the beginning, I wanted to make a performance outdoors. However, I was unable to find a person who could … Continue reading
Week 7: body mechanics
Reference Keyframes When I selected keyframes, my method was to play the footage back and forward to find out the moments when the character at some key poses or direction of movement change, for examples when the hands and feet … Continue reading
Week 8: phonemes and performance
In this week, we mainly learned about how to import audio into maya as well as to make phoneme animation. The audio which is going to be imported into maya has to be 32000 Hz, 16 bits and wav format. … Continue reading