When I selected keyframes, my method was to play the footage back and forward to find out the moments when the character at some key poses or direction of movement change, for examples when the hands and feet just touch or just off the ground, the character jumps and reaches the highest point, the arms swing and reach the highest point and so on.
The character’s hands are very natural at the beginning, the fingers are slightly bent, and the finger between each finger are almost closed. Just before rolling on the step, the fingers quickly open and straighten.
The most difficult part is to switch ik and fk. While walking, the swing of arm is driven by shoulder, shoulder drives elbow, and elbow drives wrist. In this case, we should use fk mode. However, when the hand rests on an object, the palm will not move, so we should use ik in this case. Switching between ik and fk should be completed within two frames. In addition, the actions in ik and fk states are independent, so when switching from fk to ik, the arm will return to the original straight state. In order to ensure the smoothness of the animation, we must try our best to ensure that the actions in these two frames are the same or in a smooth action.
The two screenshots above show the states of ik and fk of frame 36 and 37, as well as the actions between these two frames are almost the same.