Monthly Archives: February 2021
Collab unit week 2 & 3
This week, I mainly learn about how to rig up character with maya tool AdvancedSkeleton. Create skeleton Lower half of body Root joint should be in the middle of the hip Draw a triangle on the hip, and hip joints … Continue reading
Houdini week 3: desruction
This week, we learned about destruction simulation in Houdini. Below is three ways to create object fracture. To simulate a object falls freely under the influence of gravity, and rebounds after touching the ground. Destruction: In node view, we need … Continue reading
Collab unit week 1
This week, we mainly confirmed our team members, the outline of our story and what everyone is responsible for. Our project is to create a fighting animation. Time: postmodern, science fiction, cyberpunk Location: a deserted alley in a modern city … Continue reading
Houdini week 2: particles
Alt + left click drag and drop can duplicate node Select all nodes and pressing A, then drag and drop can rearrange the chaotic nodes Pressing J and left mouse button can connect the nodes in a chain Pressing Y … Continue reading
Houdini week 1: introduction
Term 2 get started and Medhi who is a Houdini artist is going to teach us Houdini. I never worker with Houdini before, I don’t know anything about this software, which worries me the most. Week 1 tutorial is almost … Continue reading