- Alt + left click drag and drop can duplicate node
- Select all nodes and pressing A, then drag and drop can rearrange the chaotic nodes
- Pressing J and left mouse button can connect the nodes in a chain
- Pressing Y and left mouse button can cut off the connections between nodes

- Arrow left/ right can move forward/ backward one frame, arrow up/ down can play the animation forward/ backward.
- Command + left go back to last keyframe

- Green for vector
- Indigo for float
- Blue is for integer
- Blue and indigo have one value, indigo has three

Timeshift allows us to go to certain frame, just by ctrl+shift+left click deleting the expression first, and then input the certain frame number.

- Popobject is like a container full of particles
- Popsolver is like a algorithm, it has physical operation calculating what’s happening in dynamics
- Popsource
Geometry source of popsource should match the number of poppet.

Above is another way to achieve the same effects.
After changing the value of amplitude, it just like a gust of wind blowing the particles away.