This week, my job was to rig out a new character of our collaborative project which was modelled by Sean. With the experience of the former character, this time I found that things were much easier.
Because the arm of this male character is asymmetrical, I cannot create one side skeleton and then just generate another side automatically.

The correct way to build an asymmetrical skeleton is to first select the asymmetrical joints, and then add attribute ‘noMirror’, and then duplicate the joints to the other side. Finally, after placing the joints in the proper position, click on the button ‘Build AdvancedSkeleton’.

This character is different from the female one, his clothes and body are not separated, but the most tricky part is the cloak. His right arm is wrapped in a cloak and his left arm is a machine, and it has many components on his body. Therefore, when painting skin weights, I should do it little by little.