Author Archives: Xijian Hong
Week 7: male character rigging continues
This week, I mainly added skeletons to the cloak and refine the skin weights. Initially, I added 8 skeletons to his cloak. After discussing with Sean and Yann, We reached a consensus view that there were too much and it … Continue reading
Week 6: male character rigging
This week, my job was to rig out a new character of our collaborative project which was modelled by Sean. With the experience of the former character, this time I found that things were much easier. Because the arm of … Continue reading
Week 5: female character rigging continues
This week, I continued rigging the female character and mainly focussed on skinning and painting skin weights. It was the first time that I had dealt with a model whose clothes were made separately. In this case, skinning by merely … Continue reading
Week 4: female character rigging
This week, I mainly practised creating skeleton, using the female character which was modelled by Yann. When I was creating skeleton, after I clicked on the button ‘Bulid AdvancedSkeleton’, something went wrong. The knee joint didn’t face to the right … Continue reading
Collab unit week 2 & 3
This week, I mainly learn about how to rig up character with maya tool AdvancedSkeleton. Create skeleton Lower half of body Root joint should be in the middle of the hip Draw a triangle on the hip, and hip joints … Continue reading
Houdini week 3: desruction
This week, we learned about destruction simulation in Houdini. Below is three ways to create object fracture. To simulate a object falls freely under the influence of gravity, and rebounds after touching the ground. Destruction: In node view, we need … Continue reading
Collab unit week 1
This week, we mainly confirmed our team members, the outline of our story and what everyone is responsible for. Our project is to create a fighting animation. Time: postmodern, science fiction, cyberpunk Location: a deserted alley in a modern city … Continue reading
Houdini week 2: particles
Alt + left click drag and drop can duplicate node Select all nodes and pressing A, then drag and drop can rearrange the chaotic nodes Pressing J and left mouse button can connect the nodes in a chain Pressing Y … Continue reading
Houdini week 1: introduction
Term 2 get started and Medhi who is a Houdini artist is going to teach us Houdini. I never worker with Houdini before, I don’t know anything about this software, which worries me the most. Week 1 tutorial is almost … Continue reading
Presentation – The development and main style of 3D animation
My Topic is “The development and main style of 3D animation” .(PPT1) What you see here is Claymation, Claymation is one of the origins of 3D animation, which every 3D animation enthusiast should understand and master. Among them, outstanding works … Continue reading