Category Archives: Collab unit
Week 9: composition and summary
This is the first time that I have collaborated and made an animation with other people. When I saw the composite animation, I really felt a sense of accomplishment as this animation contains part of my effort. Although there are … Continue reading
Week 8: animating
This week, my job was to animate my part which was distributed by Yann. Layout:
Week 7: male character rigging continues
This week, I mainly added skeletons to the cloak and refine the skin weights. Initially, I added 8 skeletons to his cloak. After discussing with Sean and Yann, We reached a consensus view that there were too much and it … Continue reading
Week 6: male character rigging
This week, my job was to rig out a new character of our collaborative project which was modelled by Sean. With the experience of the former character, this time I found that things were much easier. Because the arm of … Continue reading
Week 5: female character rigging continues
This week, I continued rigging the female character and mainly focussed on skinning and painting skin weights. It was the first time that I had dealt with a model whose clothes were made separately. In this case, skinning by merely … Continue reading
Week 4: female character rigging
This week, I mainly practised creating skeleton, using the female character which was modelled by Yann. When I was creating skeleton, after I clicked on the button ‘Bulid AdvancedSkeleton’, something went wrong. The knee joint didn’t face to the right … Continue reading
Collab unit week 2 & 3
This week, I mainly learn about how to rig up character with maya tool AdvancedSkeleton. Create skeleton Lower half of body Root joint should be in the middle of the hip Draw a triangle on the hip, and hip joints … Continue reading
Collab unit week 1
This week, we mainly confirmed our team members, the outline of our story and what everyone is responsible for. Our project is to create a fighting animation. Time: postmodern, science fiction, cyberpunk Location: a deserted alley in a modern city … Continue reading